February 5, 2012

Timmy the Kitty

My neighbor Jada is an older woman that lives alone with her cat Timmy. Recently Jada's father (who lives in Wisconsin) became ill so she packed up and drove to where he is to take care of him and will be gone for what she says will be for a couple months. I don't know why she couldn't take her kitty with her but I'm glad she didn't because she asked me to take care of him while she was gone. Yes! I was so excited! So now everyday, twice a day I go feed Timmy and give him fresh water and change his litter box and sweep if he made a mess and play with him and it has been a dream come true. It makes me want my own cat so much harder!

I've recently learned how to crochet so of course I immediately had to make him some toys. He loves them too! I guess his kitty instincts kick in as soon as I break the yarn out, it entertains him much more than all his other toys.

He's beginning to believe all yarn is his now. And so is everything I make. I was making a cowl for myself and I would work on it while spending time with Timmy and he took an extreme liking to it.

He would come lay on it while I was working on it. D'awhh!

He isn't a cat that likes to sit and be pet, he likes to be pet as he is passing you. When he would lay on my cowl he would actually sit still for a long period of time and let me pet him the whole time! It was so sweet! I wasn't doing a very good job on the cowl anyways and there were a lot of mistakes (I was still learning) so I just cut and tied it off and gave it to him as a little kitty blanket. He loves it so much and lays on it constantly. Its adorable!

He is so precious! I'm so happy I got the opportunity to to take care of and spend time with a kitty! I'm a huge cat/animal lover but sadly I'm currently catless :( So being able to bond with Timmy really means a lot to me. He is a big ole sweetie!

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